An extensive cat list that features over 70 recognized domestic cats.
Some of the cat breeds listed are not acknowledged by all the cat registries.
There are also a number of breeds, especially those known as the dwarf cats that are under development and whilst listed here, they are yet to find acceptance amongst the cat fancy.
There are a host of different cat breeds to choose from - curly
coated cats, cats with folded ears, cats with short tails and those with
no tails at all.
cats listed alphabetically
Cat List |
A to C D to M N to Z |
cat list cat list (below) list of breeds |
Cat Breed |
Origin |
How The Breed Came About |
D |
Devon Rex | UK (England) | Curly coated cat - as a result of a simple recessive gene |
Domestic Lynx | USA | Small bobcat crossed with a Canadian Lynx and Domestic Cat |
Don Sphynx Cat(Donskoy) | Russia | Natural Breed - Russian Hairless cat - result of a dominant gene |
Dwelf Cat | USA | Munchkin cat crossed with a Sphynx and American Curl. Visit our Dwarf Cats Page |
E |
Egyptian Mau Cats | Africa (Egypt) | Natural Breed |
Exotic Shorthair Cat | USA | American Shorthair crossed with Persian. Longhaired Persian |
F |
G |
Genetta Cat | USA | Munchkin crossed with a Savannah, Ocicat, Bengal cat, Oriental. Visit our Dwarf Cats Page |
German Rex | Europe (Germany) | Curly-coated stray crossed with Cornish Rex |
H |
Havana | UK | Chocolate Point Siamese crossed with European S/H |
Cat Breed |
Origin |
How The Breed Came About |
J |
Japanese Bobtail | Asia (China/Japan) | Natural Breed - recessive autosomal gene resulting in bob tail |
Javanese Cat | USA | Balinese (semi-longhaired Siamese, varying in color from 4 basic accepted colors of Balinese) |
K |
Kinkalow | USA | Munchkin crossed with an American Curl. Visit our Dwarf Cats Page. |
Korat Cat breed | FE (Thailand) | Natural Breed |
Kurilian Bobtail Cat | Russia (Kuril Islands) | Natural Breed. Short tail as a result of a genetic mutation |
L |
Lambkins | USA | Munchkin crossed with a Selkirk Rex. Visit our Dwarf Cats Page |
La Perm Cats | USA | Spontaneous mutation of dominant gene, causing curly coat |
Levkoy Cat | Russia | A cross between the Sphynx and a lob-eared cat similar to the Scottish Fold |
M |
Maine Coon Cat | USA | Angora crossed with Russian or Norwegian or American Shorthair. Unknown - possibly a natural breed. |
Manx Cats | Isle of Man, UK | Spontaneous genetic mutation; dominant autosomal gene resulting in short tail |
Minskin Cat | USA | Dwarf cat breed with short legs. Cross Munchkin and Canadian Sphynx. (Devon Rex and Burmese also used in cross) |
Munchkin Cat | USA | Spontaneous genetic mutation; resulting in short legs |
List of
Cat Breeds Index: USA = United States of America; UK = United Kingdom;
FE = Far East; ME = Middle East; S/H = Shorthair; L/H = Longhair
N to Z List
A to C List
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