Looking for a selection of male cat names? Adopted a new kitten and desperate to find a special name for the new addition to your family?
We have a wide variety of cat names specially selected for your cute kitten or handsome tom cat.
Don't be in a rush to select a name. Your kitten will be around for
many years, so you do need to choose a name that both of you can live
There are no hard and fast rules for selecting a name - but experts tend to agree that short names are better as cats tend to respond more positively to single, possibly double syllable names.
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Aaron | Bacardi | Caesar | Daffy | Earl |
Abel | Bach | Cagney | Dale | Ebony |
Ace | Baker | Caleb | Dallas | Echo |
Adam | Bailey | Calico | Dalley | Eclipse |
Adonis | Baldwin | Calvin | Dante | Eddie |
Aero | Ballard | Calypso | Damian | Edison |
Africa | Barry | Cameron | Damon | Egypt |
Aidan | Barley | Capone | Danny | Einstein |
Alan | Basil | Carl | Darius | Eli |
Aldo | Beastie | Carter | Darth | Elvis |
Alex | Beethoven | Casanova | Davis | Ember |
Alf | Ben | Casey | Dazzle | Emerson |
Ali | Benedict | Cassidy | Dean | Emperor |
Allie | Benson | Cesco | Defoe | Enigma |
Almond | Bill | Chad | Dejon | Enza |
Alpin | Billy | Champ | Demon | Enzo |
Anat | Bing | Charlie | Denis | Eskimo |
Andre | Biscuit | Cheeky | Dermot | Eureka |
Andy | Blair | Cheese | Derby | Ewan |
Angus | Blacky | Chevy | Destiny | Everest |
Anthony | Blackjack | China | Dexter | Ewen |
Apollo | Blake | Chippy | Diamond | Exodus |
Archie | Blaze | Chops | Diesel | Expresso |
Ari | Blizzard | Chris | Digby | Extra |
Arizona | Blue | Chubb | Dino | Ezra |
Armani | Bobbin | Chuck | Disney | |
Arnie | Bogart | Churchill | Ditto | |
Arthur | Bonaparte | Claud | Dixie | |
Ash | Bond | Clay | Dolittle | |
Asia | Bones | Cliff | Dougall | |
Asterix | Booker | Clive | Doughnut | |
Astro | Boots | Cloud | Dragon | |
Atlas | Boris | Cockles | Drape | |
Athol | Bourbon | Coco | Dribbles | |
Austin | Boyd | Codie | Drifter | |
Brad | Colby | Dunkle | ||
Braxton | Colm | Duke | ||
Branson | Comet | Dusty | ||
Bronson | Comic | Dylan | ||
Bruce | Conan | Dynasty | ||
Bruno | Connor | |||
Bubble | Cooper | |||
Buck | Corey | |||
Bushy | Cormac | |||
Buttons | Coyne | |||
Buzz | Cotton | |||
Cuddles | ||||
Cupcake | ||||
Curly | ||||
Curtis | ||||
Custard |
Find a boy kitten name that says "my kitty is
F |
G |
H |
I |
J |
Fabian | Gabby | Haddoc | Ice | Jack |
Fawlty | Gadget | Hamish | Ike | Jaffa |
Fedelity | Galahad | Hamlet | Inca | Jake |
Felix | Galloway | Hammy | Indie | Jaeger |
Fergal | Gandolf | Hampton | Indigo | Java |
Fergus | Garbo | Hannibal | Inky | Jay |
Field | Garfield | Harlow | Innes | Jazz |
Figaro | Garfunkel | Harpo | Ira | Jeddi |
Finlay | Garnet | Harris | Ivory | Jekyl |
Firefly | Garrett | Heaven | Izzy | Jello |
Fitz | Gator | Hector | Jelly | |
Fitzy | Gatsby | Hershey | Jessy | |
Flame | Genghis | Hero | Jet | |
Flapper | Ghost | Hicks | Jinx | |
Flea | Giant | Higgins | Jodi | |
Flizz | Gidget | Hippie | Joey | |
Floppy | Gigolo | Hill | JoJo | |
Floyd | Gilbert | Hobbit | Joplin | |
Fluffball | Giles | Hocus | Josh | |
Flurry | Ginger | Holmes | Jupiter | |
Flynn | Gizmo | Homer | ||
Foe | Glitter | Honor | ||
Foggie | Goblin | Hooper | ||
Fonda | Goldie | Horace | ||
Forbes | Gorky | Huggies | ||
Ford | Gower | Hugh | ||
Foxy | Gregor | Hugz | ||
Freckle | Gromit | Hunter | ||
Fred | Groucho | Hutch | ||
Friday | Grubb | |||
Frisco | Grumps | |||
Frost(y) | Gucci | |||
Fudge | Gumbles | |||
Fuss | Gumbo | |||
Fuzzy | Gypsy |
more names for cats
If you are unable to find names for your male cat here, we invite you to visit our other popular cat name pages:
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