Pictures of Snowshoe Cats
A Cat Photo Gallery

The stunning pictures of Snowshoe cats featured below are possibly some of the best images of this rare cat breed. These cat photos are courtesy of professional photographers and Snowshoe cat breeders.

The Snowshoe cat is characterized by unique facial markings and white paws which in the early days led people to believe that this kitty was a shorthaired Birman cat. The Snowshoe of course decended from the old type or traditional Siamese and these unique markings were in fact considered a 'defect' in the breed.

If you are interested in the Snowshoe cat and require additional information about the breed, its characteristics, health related matters, nutrition and personality then we invite you to visit the links below:

Snowshoe Cat - the origin and history of the breed

Snowshoe Cats - valuable facts for potential cat owners

seal snowshoe cat

chocolate snowshoe cat

snowshoe cat

snowshoe cat

snowshoe cats

snowshoe cats

snowshoe cat breed

Cat Photos above and below supplied by: Oreanta Cats *CZ -

Photographer: Mr Gorgon of ©Studio Go

snowshoe cats snowshoe cats snowshoe cat snowshoe cats

Pictures of cats below supplied by Kelly Cruse of Destrier Cats -

snowshoe cats snowshoe cats snowshoe cats snowshoe snowshoe cats snowshoe cats

Snowshoe cat pictures below supplied by Tracey Rhodes of Glittakitz -

snowshoe cats snowshoe cats snowshoe cats snowshoe cats snowshoe cat snowshoe

The Snowshoe cat is a little darling - it is a gregarious cat and a lively, active and playful cat that loves to be entertained. They do not tolerate solitude which means this kitty is ideal for a large family or a home where there is company for most of the day.

To find your perfect Snowshoe kitten you many want to visit our international cat breeder directory featuring breeders from the United States, Canada, Europe and Australia.

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